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Initiated at the University of Dar es Saalam, Tanzania in 1996 and enhanced by FAWE with the gender and life skills components, Tuseme model is one of FAWE’s flagship programmes in the region. The main objective is to boost the ability of girls and boys to take responsibility for making good choices, resist negative pressures and avoid risky behavior.

So far, Tuseme model at FAWE Rwanda has been supported by Unicef, AGSP, Plan International Rwanda and MasterCard Foundation scholars program. It is implemented in primary and secondary schools through Tuseme clubs, which seek to address the structural roots of gender inequalities by understanding and engaging with norms and social rules, as well as practical issues, which impact upon girls’ attendance and performance at school.

In the clubs, boys and girls are taught how to make decisions, think critically and creatively, communicate, build empathy, be assertive and be self-aware. The Tuseme approach has contributed to raising the academic performance of students through boosting their confidence and motivation levels at school.


Tags: Fawe, Education, Girls

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